Make itmattermatterMatter
, Change the world
We specialize in identifying your angle, we live and lead by our values, and we thrive in spaces our competitors cannot.

Ryan Huffman
Founded the agency with a goal of creating authenticity and opportunity for clients and team members.
Your biggest fan. Outdoorsman. Proud father. Easiest to impersonate.
Ryan Huffman
Founded the agency with a goal of creating authenticity and opportunity for clients and team members.
Your biggest fan. Outdoorsman. Proud father. Easiest to impersonate.

Whitney Huffman
Earned her stripes lugging around production gear. Still lugs production gear.
Can do more chin-ups than you. Oddly passionate about ‘over’ vs. ‘more than.’ Lemon dessert connoisseur.
Whitney Huffman
Earned her stripes lugging around production gear. Still lugs production gear.
Can do more chin-ups than you. Oddly passionate about ‘over’ vs. ‘more than.’ Lemon dessert connoisseur.

Rebekah Alexander
Will work for gym time, coffee, and snacks. Get it right the first time. Scuba Diva.

Luke Southern
Sneakerhead. Designerhead. Stays late on Fridays. The master of “figuring it out.”

Addie Sanders
Optimistic over-analyzer. Lover of frozen beverages. Dances daily to her own internal soundtrack.

Calli Markham
Black is her brand aura. Goes by "Rally" on good days. Uses a Wacom tablet as a pillow. Keeps a steady diet of illustration inspo, charcoal pencils, and iced coffee.

Michael Weidermann
Data deep-diver. Whiteboard wielder. An eye on the future, a boot in the past. Smells like leather and musk.

Erin Kirkpatrick
Constant creator. Design powerhouse. Connoisseur of books, movies and mostly music. All the music.
The extra mile
Our Values
We combine strategic thinking with experience and research to bring the soul and science of your brand to life.
Here are some tools we typically leverage:

We operate on truth and transparency with respect for ourselves and our profession.

Mediocrity is too big of a price to pay for playing it safe. We bring soul and science to every interaction.

We embrace wisdom and safeguard intuition. We serve with intention and remain students of the game.

With bold ideas, strategic vision and a lot of hard work, we take the time to provide you with solutions that grow your brand.