Allied Arts
Creating future allies by aligning brand and story.
When you're a community-wide leader – and the biggest champion of the arts in the state, you need sharp tools to create sustained impact. And if one of those tools isn't cutting it, your reach might not be either.
Allied Arts was in need of a website revamp to not only better tell their story, but inspire a new generation of arts advocates and supporters. From a deep dive into structure and how to best reach current and potential audiences, to page design problem-solving and uncovering ways to let their new brand shine, we partnered with them to unveil a new side of their well-loved organization.
Addy Awards
Addy Award

Devon Energy takes their investment in upcoming industry leaders as serious as they take their business. That’s where STEM comes in – science, technology, engineering, and math.
They know first-hand what can happen when you invest in a kids’ potential, they’ve been doing it for years. They needed a way to bring that kid-centric message to their industry-first audience, demonstrate the impact, and keep the kids at the heart of it all.
Boring buzzwords ain’t it. And sometimes us grown ups forget that. This narrative takes the meat and meaning of the big picture that the adults can see, and thrusts it right into the kids’ world.
All those aspirational statements like “expanding horizons” and “creating pathways to success” are being lived out in real time. A robotics-loving Girl Scout, a tinker-til-I-get-it cool kid, and a math-whiz of a softball champ show us how they apply their STEM knowledge in their everyday lives.
You wanna see what happens when you equip a determined kid with a 3D printer? They build a rocket and blast it into the stratosphere. Or how about when you teach robotics to a smart-as-a-whip Girl Scout, who then uses that skillset to lend a helping (automated) hand? And don’t tell Olivia that grand slams have nothing to do with physics, she’s about to prove you wrong.
We helped Devon develop the STEM Your World concept into an integrated campaign across audience touchpoints.